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WTLA proudly presents: The Green Technology Leader Award

The World Technology Leader Award is getting a new competition category at the start of the new nomination season: the Green Technology Leader Award, which honors particularly sustainable and climate-friendly innovations from companies around the world.

Sustainability and climate protection are two key challenges for today’s global society. Companies, politicians and consumers alike are called upon to develop long-term, ecologically sustainable and climate-neutral solutions to successfully meet these challenges.

For many decades, the modern economy has criminally neglected the development of sustainable products and services in favor of short-lived and environmentally harmful variants. This happened because there was no immediate pressure for action on the part of those responsible in society to make a fundamental change and to promote and develop ecological innovations on an equal footing with technologically based new developments of products and services.

It now goes without saying that technological innovation does not automatically mean ecologically valuable and sustainably designed products. Nevertheless, many of the innovations honored by the World Technology Leader Award are often also sustainable. Nevertheless, the WTLA organizers and judges want to clearly highlight and promote the need to develop sustainable and green technologies.

For this reason, at its February 13 meeting, the Nominating Committee decided to introduce a new World Technology Leader Award category: The Green Technology Leader Award! For the first time this year, this award will honor companies from all over the world that operate and conduct research in a particularly sustainable and ecological manner and develop especially environmentally and climate-friendly product and service solutions for their customers. The focus is on energy- and resource-saving innovations that make a positive contribution to reducing greenhouse gases and also take into account ethical and social aspects in accordance with the UN Charter for Sustainable Development.

We look forward to a lively participation and cordially invite you and your company to apply with your innovation for the Green Technology Leader Award!

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