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List of the global 300 patent champions

Patents are one of the most important characteristics of market leadership. They indicate innovative strength and secure knowledge and markets. But who are the most patent-rich companies in the world?

Diana Research Pte., organizer of the WTL-Award, draws on PatentSight‘s in-depth global patent sources for this ranking, a leading global provider of information and analytics, that shine a spotlight on the innovations of the past and present and help create data-based projections of what the future might hold.

World market leaders are facing increasingly dynamic international competition. In terms of the companies with the largest patent portfolios, this global competition is clearly evident: Japan leads with 96 top 300 patent holders, followed by the USA (79 companies) and China (40 companies).

Countries with the most patent world champions

  • Japan (96 companies)
  • USA (79)
  • China (40)
  • Germany (23)
  • France (12)
  • South Korea (11)
  • Netherlands (9)
  • Switzerland (7)
  • Taiwan (6)
  • Great Britain (4)


World champion with the most extensive patent portefolio is Samsung from South Korea, followed by Japanese compnaies Canon, Toyota Motors and Panasonic.

Top-300 global patent champions

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